18 January 2012

Cheap Trash Bags ~ Stockpile!

Wags:  Buy $10 in Nice Products get a $2 off your next shopping trip CAT.
Nice Trashbags: 45ct $4.99 each (may not be priced...but their $4.99 each)
Here's how I did it....(I started off with some $6 RRs from the South Beach Diet Bars)

Trans #1
Buy 2 Nice Trashbags and Nice Soda (or you can get the raisins)
4.99 x2 + .99c = $10.97
Used (1) $6 RR
Paid $4.97 and got a $2 off next shopping trip CAT
= $2.97 for all 3

Trans #2:
Buy 2 Nice Trashbags and Nice Raisins
4.99 x 2 + .99c = $10.97
Used $6 RR + $2 CAT from trans #1
Paid $2.97 got another $2 CAT for your next shopping trip.
= $.97 for all 3
Keep repeating over and over.

Now if you don't have any RRs to start with...here you go...
Buy 2 Nice Trash Bags + another .99c Nice item
= $10.97 get a $2 CAT for your next shopping trip
= $8.97 for all 3
Buy the SouthBeach Protein Bars $5.99
Use $1 MQ Printable
= $4.99 and get a $6 RR (you will spend this anyway)
Then repeat my transactions.

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